About the name "mapla"

Last month, for reasons stated elsewhere, I renamed this blog to mapla and switched to a new domain name that reflected this change.
I checked on Google whether anything called "mapla" already existed, and I clearly remember finding nothing, except it being a tamil word meaning "pal" — which I thought was nice. So I went and made the switch, thinking "mapla" would be a great name: not too long, not too revealing of my actual name, easy to type and (hopefully) remember.

I repeated the search a couple of days ago (checking whether google had already indexed my website) and found so many results of companies and associations, and a movie, and other companies and... ugh! I am so bummed about it.
I really want this space of mine to be unique!

I'll change the name and domain, again. I don't know why but it feels too important to me. The question now is what to call this? I tried other variations of my full name's abbreviations and they too are already taken.
It is so hard to come up with a new name nowadays, and the longer I wait the harder it will get, there are far too many people on this planet.

One possibility would be to use a word/name in Elvish (either Sindarin or, preferably, Quenya) which would make for an interesting solution and! show my passion for Tolkien's work. It would not be distinctive enough, though. Even if I were to find a word not used by anybody yet, it would still be a result of another Man's work and imagination.
I want the name of my space to be mine. Is this too narcissistic? Nah.

So, I have to rule out: my name, any abbreviation of it, Elvish words... what can I use, then? It has to be something that also fits for a domain name: not too long, easy to type — that means no sequence of "random" characters like 1Lik3b0Obs.
Maybe I should look into short phrases like "chill lo-fi", "lo-fi blog" maybe? — already exists, also there's nothing here about lo-fi, even though I really like it.
Something that I like, perhaps? Like "coffe & pizza" or "pizza & jazz" — stupid and soulless, I don't even like coffe!
"marco's home" or "marco's place"? But then the domain would be "marcosplace" and people might think my name is Marcos — also, it already exists.
A descriptive title like "just my thoughts" or "chaotic mind"? Doesn't feel right.

07 Nov 2023

Fuck it. I'll use the name "earendelmir"; from Quenya, it stands for "The Jewel of Earendel".
The name Earendel holds special significance to me. This is a way of paying homage to both it and Tolkien's work. I do not really care about an Elvish title being "the result of another Man's work" anymore; it is cool, it is unique, it is mine. It is me.