There's music coming from up there

Yesterday was a Saturday. Like every Saturday from the last 10 years I hung out with my friends. Well, a friend; all the others went dancing to the club, I'm not a fan of that sort of things.

shocking! i know!

We went for a cozy walk, ate a slice of pizza each and talked about anything: plans for the future, fond memories from the past, marveling at our friendship being 10 years old, ...
We ended our night together at a reasonable hour, almost midnight

this word is too poetic, midnight! and the italian version, mezzanotte, is equally beautiful

He walked me to my car but right when I was about to hop in and drive away, we heard some music. It sounded like it was coming from a bar around the corner — unusual for the place we were, it has never been crowded, nor loud.
I dragged my friend to take a look — I'm like a moth to the flame when it comes to music. I didn't recognise which song was playing even though it sounded familiar, maybe it was something from Raffaella Carrà.
We turned the corner and there was no bar! I quickly realised the mistake, «It must come from one of these apartments, a couple of them have lights on» I said to my friend. We lingered there for a few moments more, enthralled by the sound, when a couple of water droplets fell on our heads. My friend pointed upwards and said «It's beginning to rain, we better leave».
I looked up

i don't know why when somebody says «it's raining!» my instinct is always to look up. it's not like i don't trust them. i guess it's a habit i took up when i was a child, when getting caught in the rain outdoors seemed a fascinating, adventurous thing

I looked up and I saw the rooftop of one of the buildings lit up with some lights, and it instantly became clear that the music was coming from up there. Somebody was having a party on the roof, I could picture them: 30-something years old people dancing to old classics, sipping wine, tasting home-made food and cheering for both the hostess' birthday and her husband's promotion.
How I wished I was there! Cozy nights spent inside with friends, drinking and eating, talking and karaokeing, are the best way to enjoy some time together; cooking beforehand and greeting each guest as they come in is also an essential part of the enjoyment, don't ask me why.