Dear diary #1

It's been a while. I have had very little time on my hands, and I used most of it to sleep. What a waste!
Anyway, I thought I'd write a short summary of what I've been up to this last month.

On one of the last days of April I got permission by my Professor to graduate in May. That morning I was at home, and I felt soooo euphoric! I danced like a monkey to tunes like Footloose, You can call me Al, I'm still standing, and Private Eyes.

The week later I went on a trip to Spain, to meet a dear friend of mine who has lived there for the past six months. I missed her terribly and I was so happy to see her again. The trip had a lot of ups and downs but it will still be remembered as a magical slice of time. I'll write of it — yes, just like I said I would write about Iceland, and I still haven't.....

Today I submitted my thesis and I got the definitive confirmation I can graduate this month. The 28th can't come soon enough!

I also got a job! Actually, not yet ― wait! I just realized I've been celebrating and telling the good news to everybody but those at the company haven't confirmed anything yet. It's 99% sure, though.
How incredibly hilarious it would be to not get a confirmation now lol.
Anyway, this job position is far from where I live, further than we expected (I was so sure I would end up in Rome, sigh) and that scares me a little.
Rent is also higher than we thought, and I would really like to have my own place, but I guess I'll have to live with some flatmates.
My mom said something that made me shiver, I stupidly had never thought about it before. She said, "If you live with somebody I feel more secure because I know there's somebody to call in case something happens to you."

Maybe I'll write more about this in the near future, for now I'll say this: I'm not ready to move out. I'm excited and impatient to do it, but I'm also irresponsible and completely oblivious of what it actually takes to live.